Dear friends, we continue to work on expanding the range of our individual excursions in Montenegro. Some of you have already been on the most popular excursions, but this does not mean at all that you have already seen everything - because in Montenegro the density of attractions and natural beauties simply rolls over!
In addition to the well-loved tours of Bay of Kotor and Skadar lake, in the 2014 season we invite you walk around the mountains, the view of which you have so far admired only at the foot. We invite you to visit traditional householdswhere, through the efforts of one family, olive groves are cultivated and best homemade olive oil, and visiting winemakerswho will proudly guide you through their vineyards and show you their wine cellars, which keep the traditions and experience of old winemakers. We invite you to actively relax in Montenegro - fly on a paraglider, go scuba diving to the ruins of sunken ships, learn to cook national dishes Montenegro under the guidance of experienced chefs, play paintball on the ruins of the Austrian fortresses, climb ropes and get out of the net high in the mountains, overcome thresholds swift mountain rivers on rafts, and many many others! Montenegro is waiting for you and eager to lift the veil over its secrets for those who are eager to discover!

Экскурсия на Ловчен - а вы сможете выбраться из сети?
Excursion to Lovcen - can you get out of the network?
Параглайдинг в Черногории
Paragliding in Montenegro

Unique individual excursions in Montenegro from MONTEONLINE guides:
Yoga tour to Montenegro
Gastronomic tour: the history of one winery, or acquaintance with the traditional cuisine of Montenegro with a glass of wine and a glass of brandy
Bosnia and Herzegovina - a land of contrasts
Faster, higher, stronger, or adventures in Lovcen National Park, 8-10 hours
Active holidays: paragliding in Montenegro!
Fishing on Skadar Lake
ADVENTURES ON THE FORGOTTEN MOUNTAIN TRAILS (or a walk through an abandoned village, a survey of the Austro-Hungarian fort and a view of the Bay of Kotor from a height of 800 meters above sea level)
On the slopes of the Raven Mountain to the ruins of a great empire

Contact us - this is not a complete list of what Montenegro can offer an inquisitive tourist!

Пешие туры в Черногории - принесут радость для всей семьи!
Hiking tours in Montenegro will bring joy for the whole family!
Вы молоды и жаждете открытий - станьте покорителем горных вершин!
You are young and thirsty for discoveries - become a conqueror of mountain peaks!
Пеший туризм в Черногории 2014
Hiking in Montenegro 2014
Гастрономичсекие туры в Черногории: отведайте настоящий домашний обед в кругу семьи!
Gastronomic tours in Montenegro: taste a real homemade dinner with your family!
Гастрономичсекие туры в Черногории: отведайте настоящий домашний обед в кругу семьи!
Gastronomic tours in Montenegro: taste a real homemade dinner with your family!