Winter Montenegro was not open to everyone - this is understandable, for various reasons, most of us can afford only one vacation a year and strive for it to be in the summer. But if you just can’t take a vacation in the summer, and you want to escape somewhere, change the situation, relax your body and soul, arrange a gastronomic holiday for yourself, take great pictures ... this list goes on and on! – then Montenegro is glad to welcome you in winter.

Many people know and have been to Montenegro in the summer, swam in the cleanest bays and basked in the gentle (and sometimes scorching!) sun in mid-July. But winter Montenegro was not open to every eye - this is understandable, for various reasons, most of us can afford only one vacation a year and strive for it to be in the summer. But if you just can’t take a vacation in the summer, and you want to escape somewhere, change the situation, relax your body and soul, arrange a gastronomic holiday for yourself, take great pictures ... this list goes on and on! – then Montenegro is glad to welcome you in winter. In winter, you can’t swim here, but otherwise I see only pluses! I will list them below and attach colorful photos of Montenegro in winter to confirm the thesis that holidays in Montenegro in winter are a real find for romantics!

Порто Монтенегро, Тиват, Черногория зимой
The pier in Porto Montenegro (Tivat) is not empty even in winter
Черногория зимой, Луштица
Montenegro in winter: olive groves on the Lustica peninsula
Свети-Стефан зимой, Черногория
Sveti Stefan in winter, Montenegro

1. Entry to Montenegro for Russians is still visa-free for one month (unlike, for example, from Croatia).
2. The average daily temperature on the Montenegrin coast in January is approx. +10 degrees. It rains in winter - stock up on a good umbrella, and even better, rubber boots so that wet feet do not interfere with sightseeing! There is no snow on the coast. On the coast, snow is wine on the mountain peaks, occasionally the wind brings it down, but it immediately melts.
3. In winter, there are no crowds of tourists who do not allow passage in summer - all of Montenegro is yours! Deserted narrow streets of old cities, beaches immediately become more spacious, you can even run without worrying about stepping on someone. Sitting and listening to the sound of the surf, watching the fishermen and seagulls… where is my glass of Vranats..?
4. Prices in restaurants are lower than in high season. Many summer restaurants are closed, but from those that are open, a new restaurant will be enough for you every day 🙂
5. Car rental is also cheaper! It's low season. Housing is 2-3 times cheaper than in high season! Flights are cheaper too!
6. A small minus - large sightseeing buses do not depart often. But in winter, individual guides still work, who will also make a discount in winter. But individual excursions are always better than group ones, because no one rushes you, you take pictures as much as you like, you stop where you want and for as long as you want ...

Welcome to Montenegro in winter too! 🙂

Пляж Плави Горизонти зимой (январь), Черногория
Plavi Horizonti beach in winter (January), Montenegro
Котор, Черногория зимой
Old Kotor on New Year's holidays - only a Christmas tree and elegant hats of the townspeople remind of the New Year
Котор, Черногория зимой
At the walls of old Kotor, Montenegro in winter
Будва зимой, Черногория
Montenegro in winter - there are also storms, the old town of Budva
Боко-которский залив зимой (январь)
Bay of Kotor on a sunny day in winter (January)
Бока-которский залив после снегопада, Черногория зимой
Bay of Kotor after snowfall, Montenegro in winter