More and more tourists around the world prefer individual guides and routes, refusing stuffy buses with an average sightseeing program. Montenegro was no exception in this matter, and we picked up the general trend and took a specialization in individual tourism. What is an individual tour and why is it more interesting, more comfortable, and, as a rule, a little more expensive than a regular bus tour?

Частный гид - авторская подача информации и радость открытия!
Private guide - the author's presentation of information and the joy of discovery!

So what are advantages of individual excursions in Montenegro as opposed to group

1. You may be late and don't be afraid that the bus will leave without youand you will be left alone in a foreign country in an unfamiliar place! Instead, our guide will come straight to your hotel or apartment and return you right to your door, safe and sound.
2. Your private guide knows what you like, what type of holiday you prefer and what you would like to see approximately - it follows that you will not be taken to a banal market with Chinese magnets or to a specialized museum of the history of national costume without your will. You will be taken only to places where you are interested.
3. You don't have to put up with an ever-smoking bus driver with no musical tastes. Instead, you are traveling accompanied by pleasant music with a national flavor, always up-to-date classics or modern European music, conducive to communication. You move in a comfortable car, adjust the degree of window opening and air conditioning just the way you feel comfortable!
4. You are not unnerved and not pushed under the elbow by a full grumbling aunt or a know-it-all auntwho certainly knows about visiting the place better than a guide. Instead, you are accompanied by a well-read tactful guide who loves his job and will tell you about the life of Montenegro from the inside, tell you about the history and culture of this country in a way that will be interesting and informative even for your children. And at least you remember something!
5. You don't fight a group of compatriots for your rightful sandwich. or "free" wine of dubious quality, passed off as homemade, served in a plastic cup. Instead, you enjoy real national cuisine in "non-touristic" taverns and restaurants "for locals", bakeries, farms and even the homes of local residents.

В горах в Дурмиторе - горам все возрасты покорны! :-)
In the mountains in Durmitor - all ages are submissive to the mountains! 🙂

6. A full man does not block the tops of mountain ranges and canyons in your photos. Instead, your happy faces adorn landscapes of mountains, seas and rivers from thoughtful photo points. In addition, you can do away with photos that are always missing someone (after all, someone needs to take pictures!) - from now on, your entire company is in your photos, because your guide will easily take any pictures with you on your or his camera.
7. You are not driven into the bus in five minutes and are not taken past the sights (checkmark in the group tour program). Instead, you stop where and for as long as you like, in silence, enjoy a cup of coffee from the terrace against the magnificent backdrop of unearthly beautiestruly immersed in the place.

Welcome to Montenegro!

Индивидуальные инскурсии позволят вам открыть острова и "потайные" пляжи, о существовании которых турист никогда бы не догадался!
Individual excursions will allow you to discover islands and "secret" beaches, the existence of which the tourist would never have guessed!