Dear friends, we hasten to share with you wonderful news! Guru Rattana herself is coming to Montenegro! For fans of kundalini yoga, this name has already become a household name, dozens of books, years of practice, humane attitude, a legendary woman! And this year we have a unique opportunity to learn from Guru Rattana herself - experienced wisdom, knowledge of one's body, mind and soul - this and not only is worth learning from the woman who opened kundalini yoga to the Western world. For the past 15 years, Guru Rattana has dedicated herself to teaching Kundalini Yoga around the world. In September, the guru comes to Montenegro with the training "The gift of being a woman is the gift of creating the world." The monteonline team is happy to participate in the organization of this important event! More about Guru Rattana training read on our website! Sat Nam! 🙂

Гуру Раттана
Guru Rattana is your Kundalini Yoga Instructor in Montenegro