We are looking for long term rentals. Along the way, we met with local residents who help us find the right housing at an affordable price. One of these locals - Mirko - invited us to his place and, noticing our interest in his orange tree, offered to treat himself to oranges straight from the tree! Mirko shook the branch and gave us a whole bag! Here, oranges are clearly treated more simply than in Siberia 🙂 Oranges in the Boka Kotorska Bay area are slightly sour, and they are used mainly for making freshly squeezed juice. However, we managed to buy absolutely incomparable oranges that grow in the Bar area (this is already in the Adriatic, an hour and a half drive from us). The standard cost of a kilogram of such oranges is 0.5-0.7 euros! Now we have two bags of oranges in our kitchen - we urgently need to buy a juicer, now I understand why oranges are “transferred” to juice.

We have long planned to buy a lens for our Nikon D90, but here, in Montenegro with its gorgeous views, it has become a must. We tried to find it here, but without success. We were told that there is a good selection of lenses in Serbia, which borders Montenegro. We thought, thought and decided - we are going to Serbia! Language something already as nor as know! The phrases "Colico Costa" (how much it costs), "Stingy!" (expensive) and “Where is the toilet?” (where is the toilet?) learned by heart!
The train was the best way to get around. On the Internet, we looked at the schedule of trains going to Belgrade and back, and by 6 pm we arrived in Bar, from where the train leaves.

There was little time left before the train, and the stomach showed signs of starvation, so we decided to drive to the old part of the city, take a walk there and have a bite to eat somewhere. By the time we got to the old town, we got really hungry and went straight in search of the nearest cafe. I didn’t have to look for a long time - right behind the bus stop (or playground? - it was hard to make out what it was, because buses stopped at this place, and children played basketball) there was an inconspicuous cafe called Aquadukt. There were practically no visitors there; we sat on the second floor, which offers a beautiful view of the ruins of a fortress.

Fortress ruins

I ordered myself a "red risotto" - lick your fingers! It cost only 6 euros, and on a huge plate there were two heaps, one of which I ate, and the second had to be slipped to my husband, because. it didn’t fit anymore 🙂 Risotto was with seafood; I liked the fact that there were large pieces of mussels, squid, crabs - in general, very tasty. Plus, we were served a separate cream sauce. The husband ordered a “kebab” for himself - small meat sausages and thick fish soup with excellent taste and aroma (kebab -5 euros, soup - 2 euros). Tea and coffee cost 50 cents. Value for money is just excellent, I highly recommend to go there!

red risotto

So, our train leaves at 8 pm, and at 7 am we should already be there. Trains to Serbia run regularly, so it was not difficult to buy tickets. We took two beds (we were, of course, sold the most expensive seats) for 80 euros ... The cars are very old, but our seats turned out to be more or less comfortable: it was a compartment for two, the beds are wider and longer than our Russian ones, the mattress is very soft and comfortable, there is a washbasin (albeit not working ...) and in general it is more spacious here. In the first 20 minutes of our trip, there was nothing interesting, but then amazing views began (it is desirable, of course, to go by day train to see all this beauty); saw the famous, highest bridge in Europe, known as the Dzhurdzhevich Bridge, which is 366 meters long and 168 meters high.
At 10 pm they went to bed, but at 11 the Montenegrin border guards woke up, and at 12 - Serbian; there were no problems. On the Serbian border, however, a woman came in and let's ask us about some kind of "sack". 🙂 We answered her - “we don’t say good” and “we don’t understand you”; she smiled and left. Only later, walking around Belgrade, we realized what she wanted from us - in one of the shops there was a bag, and it was written on it - “sack”.