It is very interesting to observe the communication of Montenegrins among themselves. They are somehow closer to each other. For example, I have seen more than once how men kiss each other on the cheek when they meet! And do not think, these were not representatives of non-traditional orientation, it's just that they have it so. When a man meets a familiar woman or meets her for the first time, he always shakes her hand. In Russia, it is customary to shake hands only with men; Personally, I never liked it, some kind of inequality. And here everyone shakes my hand
We go further. If a person comes to visit you (even whom you see for the first time), then it is customary for them to offer him drinks - juice, water, coffee, wine, brandy (raki - grape vodka). We were once offered homemade wine. It was so wonderful that we drank 2 liters! And it was very difficult to refuse each subsequent glass! We thought that we would come in for a minute (we were supposed to look and photograph their apartment complex), but we left after three hours ... For such cases, you need to remember the important word “dosta”, which means “enough”. Montenegrins are very hospitable.
They are very polite on the roads. At first, when a car overtook us and beeped at the same time, we were indignant for a long time that they were so impatient. Then we found out that they beep to warn you about overtaking. When you let other drivers or pedestrians pass, they will definitely raise their hand in gratitude. We do that too now!
These are the observations