It's been two weeks since summer has arrived! It is hot in the sun during the day, the birds sing day and night, a variety of flowers are fragrant everywhere (some dandelions have already turned white!).
By the way, I'm sorry, friends, that I haven't written anything for so long, I was busy meeting the summer 🙂

Once again I affirm that the best time to get acquainted with Montenegro is spring, or rather April and May. Although you can’t swim in the sea yet, but there is no heat, and you can safely walk, relax and explore this beautiful country.
We have already climbed mountains a couple of times (I’ll tell you more about this in the next post), but for now, look at some photos of the April summer 🙂

Лето в Черногории; апрель
View from the almost abandoned village "Gorniy Stoliv" on the Bay of Kotor
Лето в Черногории; апрель
Pier in Tivat
Лето в Черногории; апрель
wild irises
Лето в Черногории; апрель
Orahovac; small tourist village
Лето в Черногории; апрель
beautiful wisteria
Лето в Черногории; апрель
Lower Stoliv; peace and quiet