I continue the path about the conquest of the mountainous expanses of small - at first glance - Montenegro. Every time I am convinced that this miniature country hides a huge amount of natural wealth, so underestimated by most of its guests and residents. This time we had a long-awaited hike through the Mrtvica canyon. Mrtvica is a mountain stream, which is a tributary of the famous Morachi. We had heard about the famous rock passage, like a tunnel in the rock overhanging the river bed - and it was our main goal and our biggest expectation.

Горная идиллия у берегов реки Мртвица, Черногория
Mountain idyll near the banks of the Mrtvica river, Montenegro

So, we found a guide for this tour - even the most experienced ones should not go to the mountains without a guide. We moved out early - from the coast you need to overcome the path by car a little over 100 km. Arriving at the starting point, we left the cars along the road - then the gravel road began, and not everyone's cars were ready for such a shock, as a result, we had to overcome this segment on foot, which in total added 10 km to us. The most beautiful route starts from the bridge leading to the banks of the seething mountain river. After about 15-20 minutes of walking, we reached the so-called Gate of Desires (Kapija Zelja), a natural reservoir of indescribable beauty - some of us even found it possible to swim in the cold, but purest melt water. According to legend, in complete silence here you need to make a wish and throw a stone into the water. The desire must be pure and not directed against anyone. Well, the forces of the river will take care of the fulfillment of the desire :-) Further, the path led us along the noisy rapids of the mountain river, waterfalls and water cascades to the famous Mrtvice walls (Mrtvicke grede), the grandeur and beauty of which can only be fully felt while being there. Continuing along the famous beach on Mrtvice, where most of the walking routes along the canyon often end, we discovered a couple more kilometers of the way to the most beautiful place on the river, where we had a tourist picnic on warm stones surrounded by water and butterflies - dropping tired and hot feet into the icy water, we enjoyed the murmur of water and the unearthly azure of a mountain stream.

Река Мртвица, Черногория
Mrtvica river, Montenegro
Ворота желаний - загадайте желание и бросьте в воду камень - оно обязательно исполнится!
Gate of desires - make a wish and throw a stone into the water - it will surely come true!
Знакменитая Мртвицкая греда - тот самый тоннель, о котором я писала выше!
The famous Mrtvitskaya ridge is the same tunnel that I wrote about above!
Каньон Мртвица, Черногория
Canyon Mrtvica, Montenegro
Привал на берегу реки
Refuge on the river bank

We plan to enrich our next trips with a visit to Kapetanov Lake. Returning back, we met a family from Belgium, once again making sure that often foreigners know our places much better than we do. In the afternoon, we reached our parking lot, where a friend was already waiting for me with an insidious joke - like I had a flat tire hahahahaha! Imagine my reaction after 25 kilometers! Nearby is the famous Moraca Monastery, which we visited on the way back. It was very nice to enjoy drinks in the cafe near the walls of the monastery, which are not stored in a refrigerator, but in a tributary of the Moraca River flowing by! Eco-friendly, free and cold! At about 6 pm we headed towards Podgorica, where in the middle of the way we heard the sounds of a police siren so familiar to us - two cars again flew into the Moraca canyon 🙁 after the infamous tragedy with the fall of a tourist bus into the Moraca canyon, literally last weekend get upset. You should drive extremely carefully along the narrow mountain serpentines and not take risks by making useless and unnecessary overtaking ... Having turned on the way back to Cetinje, we tasted cream pita at a local cafe with great pleasure, and at 10 I was finally at home. As usual after such a trip - my legs are buzzing, my brain is torn from impressions, I will sleep like a dead woman! What can I say, look at the photos!

Река Мртвица (приток Морачи)
Mrtvitsa River (tributary of Morachi)
Вдоль каньона иногда живут люди! Как правило, они занимаются разведением скота на плодородных долинах и сельским хозяйством
People sometimes live along the canyon! As a rule, they are engaged in raising cattle in the fertile valleys and agriculture.