03.03.2012 The village of Njegusi and the city of Cetinje Let's go today in the direction of the city of Cetinje. On the outskirts of the city there are markets where they sell used cars - they decided to combine business with pleasure. Two roads lead from Kotor to Cetinje: one through Budva (faster) and ... Read more
02.03.2012 Risan Restaurant Today we went to the city of Herceg Novi (from the 15th to the 18th century, this city was part of the Venetian province and was called "Castel Nuovo", which is translated from Italian as "new castle"; later it came under the control of Duke Stepan... Read more
01.03.2012 Getting used to... Slowly we begin to get used to this unearthly beauty and admire it. The sun makes us happy every day. There are a lot of boats, boats, yachts here, but so far no one is sailing on them - they say it's not the season yet, ... Read more
29.02.2012 We are in Montenegro! Hooray! It's usually customary to write your first impression of the country you're visiting... Hmmm, that's not easy to do in my case. We just arrived today, and so far there are very mixed feelings - there are big, majestic mountains around you, and literally in ... Read more
01.01.1970 Guru Rattana's training "The gift of being a woman is the gift of creating the world" Tour duration: 10 days. Cost: 960 € The price includes: 3 vegetarian meals a day; daily delivery to the beach. Additionally paid: 4 Standard 2 rooms (eco-houses, 14m2) double for 60 €; single 90 €; 6 standard rooms... Read more