Today we went to the local post office - we want to get ourselves a PO box. We say “we need a poshtansko sanduche” (as our Russian-Serbian phrasebook indicated to us), and the worker shows us to the box where letters are thrown off. In general, somehow explained what exactly we need. It turns out that they call such a box "fah". The post office building itself is very old - there are still wooden stands on which letters used to be signed with pen and ink, but now, of course, they are no longer used. We could not open the box, because. the woman who runs them was gone.

Then we went to AtlasBank. Pay attention to advertising brochures; one of them offered a pension contribution program. I was not particularly interested in deposits in Russia, so I have nothing to compare with, but it seemed to me that this is a rather profitable investment. The scheme is as follows: if, for example, at the age of 25 you open this deposit and put 20 euros (800 rubles) on it every month, then by the age of 50 you will have 24,000 euros in your account. If you continue your pension savings until the age of 65, you will have 108,000 euros in your account. It is quite possible to secure a comfortable old age. As the prospectus says, “Think of the shoreless futureness!”