Looks like I'm about to throw rotten oranges into my friendly post about Montenegrin dentistry on March 13th. In general, after that time I had to go to this dentist twice more, and these trips were not the most pleasant, to put it mildly. The task of the dentist was as follows: it was necessary to remove the nerves and clean the canals of my cold tooth. I thought the doctor would give me anesthesia, remove the nerves, put a new filling, and I can enjoy life again. It wasn't there.

He began to try to clean the channels for me without anesthesia; I showed everything that I was in pain. He tortured me a little more, and then he put something in my tooth and closed it with a filling. He said that now I should come in 2 weeks and then he will clean the rest of the canals and fill the tooth. Then it dawned on me that he gave me arsenic, which should kill my nerves ... What a nightmare! I thought that no one else works with arsenic, that this is the last century ... I remembered Soviet dentistry - a drill, arsenic and unbearable pain. Well, I think, okay, put it, put it like that, now there's nothing to be done. But literally after 2 hours my tooth started to hurt again, I had to drink painkillers both day and night. The next day, i.e. Today, I again went to my "Soviet" dentist. He drilled out a temporary filling and began to try to clean something there, again without anesthesia. As a result, my jaw cramped from pain, so I couldn’t even open it properly. Tears flowed in streams. In general, I am a rather patient person and do not rush into tears at any opportunity, but from such pain I simply could not control myself. As a result, I now walk with an open hole in my tooth. I won't go to this doctor again. You need to look for a qualified professional. Tomorrow, probably, we will go to Budva, maybe we will find someone there ...