We continue to talk about the pros and cons of emigration and life in Montenegro. An earlier post on this topic (ref. Pros and cons of living in Montenegro, part 1) caused a little discussion in the comments of our readers, and I would like to respond to some messages. So, here is what the Montenegrin wrote:

Cons are the same. When it comes to global. Poverty and a complete lack of desire to work.
Throwing rubbish into the bushes, followed by dog hauling
The child's education is below average. What's in Russia 3 here 5
Not wanting to live for a child in Montenegro due to lack of infrastructure
Around the constant construction of unattractive houses, since Montenegrins do not bother about the appearance of houses and the situation
The beaches are not as clean as everyone describes
And most importantly, everyone smokes anywhere, with anyone, regardless of age and gender.
Russians are always rich. Starts to strain gradually.
And never forget!!!! The euphoria is gone! No matter where you are!!!

Совершенно реальная и непостановочная фотография пляжа в Рафаиловичах в конце июня. Отличный чистый пляж - в августе - в пик сезона - от большого количества народа появляются всякие детские кишечные инфекции
A completely real and unstaged photo of the beach in Rafailovici at the end of June. Excellent clean beach - in August - at the peak of the season - all sorts of children's intestinal infections appear from a large number of people
Типичная городская застройка в Ульцине
Typical urban development in Ulcinj

Let's break it down piece by piece:
1. Poverty and complete lack of desire to work. - IMHO, the commentary is written in a slightly raised tone, i.e. Montenegro "got it" from the author. Correct me if this is not the case. The local population - like many southerners - are not eager to work - and this will not surprise anyone - because in Europe the northern states are much more prosperous than the southern ones (recall the crises in Greece, Spain, Italy). Yes, you can’t call Montenegrins hard workers, but I always took it as a plus - the sluggishness of local residents gives a lot of room for enterprising foreigners like you and me. As for “beggarness”, here I disagree - the average standard of living and life satisfaction are much higher than in most of Russia. I do not propose to compare with Germany for obvious reasons.
2. Throwing rubbish into the bushes, followed by dog hauling - again, let's compare with Russia - in Russia there is many times more dirt! and it immediately catches the eye of any visitor. Again, I suggest not to compare with Germany.
3. Education in Montenegro - the strong Yugoslav school in the past is now falling apart - the same thing is happening in Russia. In Montenegro, there is no particularly modern scientific base, but a large percentage of young people graduate from Montenegrin educational institutions, many study in Serbia - taking into account the distances, it's like coming to study in Tomsk from Kazakhstan.
4. Construction in Montenegro - there was and is an unattractive development of the coast with private houses and villas, as well as multi-storey buildings. In Montenegro, no standardization of construction works yet. It is less attractive than on the shores of Lake Geneva. But if we compare it with Russia, then even in the most seedy house in Montenegro, any average resident of our vast country would agree to live with great joy - because in Russia life in your own house is generally a luxury.
5. Beaches in Montenegro - definitely cleaner than in Russia. Any developing country that is facing an influx of tourism is also facing the problem of pollution. I don’t know any public beach where it would be clean - not in one country. And Montenegro is no exception. I'm sorry that according to the state of the Slovenian beach in Budva, someone judges all the beaches in Montenegro. There are clean and secluded beaches, but the mass tourist does not know about them. Now Montenegro is modernizing and building a new sewerage and wastewater disposal system - before there were fewer people, and emissions into the sea were not a problem.
6. Smoking in Montenegro. Yes, smoking is annoying. At first I could not believe my eyes when I saw that people were smoking in shopping malls… In practice, I personally move to the street terraces of restaurants. Even when you go to visit the locals, you probably “stink”. Other than that, for me there are no more inconveniences associated with smoking.

Phew, I'm tired of writing 🙂 To be continued 🙂 I hope it was interesting.

Популярный пляж Яз в июле - обычный ракурс, вроде все чисто
The popular Yaz Beach in July - the usual angle, everything seems to be clean
Пляж Ада Бояна - зимой валяются неубранные бутылки и кое-какой мусор
Ada Bojana beach - uncollected bottles and some rubbish are lying around in winter