I mean, did burek!

The other day in the store I found a ready-made dough called "Pita" in the form of thin rectangular sheets and finally decided to try to make burek, a national Montenegrin dish, according to the video recipe that I already posted here - Cooking like in Montenegro: burek

Of course, I greatly simplified my task by buying ready-made dough; you probably won’t find anything like this in Russia, except, of course, in Moscow, where you can find everything 🙂
Even if you can’t find this dough in the store, cook it yourself, your own dough is always tastier!

Because I had rectangular sheets, a round burek, as in the video, would be very difficult to make; so I made one rectangular one for the floor of the baking sheet and two more small rectangular ones, thereby filling the entire baking sheet. I did everything according to the recipe: I put the minced meat with onions and garlic in two tiers and then wrapped it several times in the dough.
I was afraid that the dough would cook faster and burn, because. very thin, and the stuffing will not have time to cook. As a result, the crust was very well browned, but the meat had time to cook! I was also afraid that the juice from the meat would necessarily leak out, but this did not happen either - apparently, the juice was absorbed into the layers of dough.
In general, we have never tasted such a delicious burek! Just lick your fingers. Therefore, I advise you to make it and surprise your loved ones with an overseas, Montenegrin dish!

Unfortunately, we ate it so quickly that I did not have time to take a picture of the resulting masterpiece! 🙁