The Montenegrin language has a lot of funny or even plunging us, Russian-speaking, words into wild embarrassment 🙂 It is very interesting to compare the meanings of Montenegrin/Serbian phrases and words with Russian ones. So, I would like to share with you some of these examples:

1. Pukovnik - absolutely not "farting" colonel;
2. Zagrim - does not mean that I will grab you by the throat now, but vice versa - I “hug”;
3. Zaednitsa - a very funny word, but its meaning is boring - "community";
4. Nile horse - a hippopotamus (it turns out that a hippopotamus is not easy!);
5. Sea pass - "shark" (I imagine Montenegrins shouting after the shark - "oh you, sea dog!");
6. Riblya chorba - just "ear";
7. I am a pukla - has a more terrible meaning than you might think - "I'm crazy";
8. I'm a Debeo - speaks not about mental development, but about physical form - "I'm fat";
9. Maniac - deficit (yes, for example, in Soviet times, people chasing a deficit were manic!);
10. Belly - “life” (remember in the film “Ivan Vasilyevich Changes His Profession” the tsar said: “Oh, voluptuous pimple, ask the noblewoman for life or death!”);
11. I myself am harmful - has a completely opposite (!) Meaning - "I am worthy, good";
12. Mother Ezik - "native language", i.e. the language that was taught by the mother (it is not clear why this phrase has acquired a different meaning in our country!);
13. Female name "Dragana" - is derived not from the word "dragon", but from the word "dredge", i.e. Expensive;
14. Male name "Hot" - when you are on the beach, do not shout loudly how hot it is for you here, otherwise some Montenegrin named Zharko will immediately draw 😉 ;
15. T-shirt - mother or mother, because the word "mother" is also used by them. But the word "shirt" in Montenegrin will be - "maychitsa";
16. I'm Shetham - does not mean that I'm wandering around somewhere, but a completely harmless "I'm walking";
17. "Fucked with a tuft" - just don't think that I'm brazenly swearing here - it's just the title of the book "Gone with the Wind" 🙂

That's all for today 🙂 Wait for the second part!