Tour duration:

  • 3 days


  • 520 € (1-4 people);
  • 730 € (4-6 people).

Included in the price:

  • automobile;
  • services of a Russian-speaking guide;
  • cold drinks;
  • photoshoot.

Additionally paid:

  • boat rental to the island of Gospa od Skrpela (€5/person);
  • boat rental on Skadar Lake (60 € for the whole boat);
  • museums;
  • lunches / dinners (including a portion of the guide).

When ordering a ready-made three-day tour of Montenegro, you get a nice discount and a free photo session! Moreover, you save yourself from hours of viewing and the painful choice of the desired excursion, because everything looks so tempting! We offer you a mandatory set of attractions in Montenegro that you need to visit in order to get a general impression of this wonderful country.

The three day package includes:

1. Venice on the shores of the Bay of Kotor, 8-10 hours

Котор, Черногория

Остров Мария на рифе, Черногория

Рестаран Чатовича млини, Черногория

The pearl of the Montenegrin coast is the Bay of Kotor, which cut into the mountains with a narrow, winding thread. For many centuries, the rocky shores and secluded harbors of this southern fjord have attracted strong empires: the Venetians and the Turks, who left a bright mark on the culture and architecture of this picturesque region. The Bay of Kotor is the old fortress of Kotor with many mountain trails, chic Perast, scattered fishing villages with white stone houses, chic modern hotels and marinas that accept huge yachts and ocean liners, ancient fortresses and monasteries, and much, much more. We invite you to get acquainted with the unique culture of the cities of the Bay of Kotor and the rich national cuisine of Montenegro, and just have a great day and take vivid memories with you.

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2. In the footsteps of Njegosh: Njegusi village, Lovcen mausoleum and the royal capital of Cetinje, 8-10 hours

Вид на Бока-Которский залив с горы Ловчен, Черногория

Сушара-деревня Негуши, Черногория

Цетиньский монастырь, Черногория

Under the auspices of the royal capital of Cetinje, the main stronghold of the Montenegrins in the fight against the Turkish invaders, who never conquered the impregnable city, serene Negushi has been peacefully existing for hundreds of years. The picturesque valley at the foot of Mount Lovcen proudly shelters the Negushi, who gave Montenegro its legendary rulers - the Petrovich dynasty - as well as the most delicious prosciutto and Negush cheese. We invite you to see with your own eyes where the great lord and ruler of Montenegro, its most famous poet and spiritual leader, Peter II Petrovich Njegosh, was born, ruled and buried.

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3. Journey on Skadar Lake, 8-10 hours

Скадарское озеро Черногория

Данилов мост на Скадарском озере

Скадарское озеро в монастырь Ком

Lake Skadar is the largest and one of the most picturesque lakes in the Balkans - we invite you to plunge into the history of this unique place surrounded by the natural beauties of an untouched nature reserve and take a refreshing dip in the lake! So, we will start our acquaintance with Lake Skadar from the once largest market town of those places - the city of Virpazar, from the shores of which we can see the main part of the lake, and on the other side in clear weather we will even see Albania - after all, the border of Montenegro with Albania passes through the waters Skadar Lake!

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