Tour duration:

  • 2 days


  • from 490 € (1-4 people)

Included in the price:

  • road delivery;
  • cold drinks;
  • services of an individual guide and translator.

Additionally paid:

  • overnight stay (1 night);
  • entrance tickets to the national park (3 €);
  • rafting + lunch (45 € per person; optional);
  • adventure park tickets

Connoisseurs outdoor activities, virgin nature and romance of adventure recommend! Discover the unexplored part of Montenegro - Northern beauties of Durmitor and truly wild nature, beyond the control of man. In Montenegro, they are so compactly located colorful canyons (the deepest in Europe!), glacial lakes, national parks, impregnable mountain peaks, caves - well, you probably already appreciated the sea! For the most active families, we offer an unforgettable 2-hour rafting on the mountain river Tara, which we will see from different angles! The Tara River Canyon is the deepest in Europe and the second deepest in the world after the Grand Canyon in America! At your request - overcoming routes with obstacles in adventure park on the shore of the largest lake in Durmitor — Black Lake — horseback riding, enjoying unforgettable mountain landscapes, the cleanest mountain air, beautiful photos, freshly picked wild strawberries and blueberries, cheese tasting in shepherds' houses and much more!

So, during the tour we:


1. Let's visit the famous Moraca monastery complex, located on a steep bank above the Moraca canyon;

Экскурсия на север Черногории (Дурмитор 2)
The Moraca monastic complex is one of the most significant monuments of the Middle Ages in the Balkans.

Напиться живительной воды у порога церкви Успения Богородицы в монастыре Морача...

Drink life-giving water at the threshold of the Church of the Assumption of the Virgin in the Moraca Monastery ... 2. We will have lunch in a small local restaurant at an altitude of 1060 meters above sea level, where the national dish KACHAMAK is perfectly prepared, and at the same time we will enjoy an amazing view of the mountain ranges of Montenegro;

Экскурсия на север Черногории (Дурмитор)
Excursion to the north of Montenegro

3. See the DEEPEST CANYON in Europe - Tara river canyon, as well as the majestic arched Dzhurdzhevich bridge - respectively, the highest road bridge in Europe. We will have to raft along the Tara River in real wetsuits to test our strength and get an adrenaline rush and positive emotions! (optional)

Рафтинг в Черногории
Who is ready to surf the cascades and rapids on the Tara?
Рафтинг по реке Тара
Rafting on the Tara River
Мост Джурджевича (над рекой Тара)
The Dzhurdzhevich Bridge was built in 1939 - right before the Second World War - and was subsequently blown up by partisans to prevent the retreat of the German army (over the Tara River)
Привет с моста Джурджевича!
Greetings from the Dzhurdzhevich Bridge!

5. We will spend the night in an authentic mountain hotel with breakfast and, full of energy, we will go on new adventures!

Отель в альпийском стиле в Дурмиторе, который с радостью примет нас на ночлег!
Alpine style hotel in Durmitor, which will gladly host us for the night!


5. We will visit Mr. Zabljak - a famous ski resort, and in summer - an active recreation center - the cleanest air, the aroma of coniferous trees and neat streets with wooden houses. Zabljak is located at an altitude of 1700 meters above sea level and is the highest city in the Balkans!

Экскурсия в Дурмитор; Жабляк
Welcome to Zabljak! (emphasis on the first syllable😉)

6. Let's walk around the famous Black Lake, one of 18 glacial lakes in the Durmitor National Park. Holidays in the Durmitor National Park will appeal to families with children, outdoor enthusiasts, and just romantic couples - after all, the natural beauties here are simply breathtaking!

Красоты Черного озера привлекают тысячи туристов
The beauty of the Black Lake attracts thousands of tourists
Благодаря сохранению уникальных хвойных лесов национальный парк Дурмитор включен в список всемирного наследия ЮНЕСКО
Thanks to the preservation of unique coniferous forests, Durmitor National Park is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

In Durmitor, you can ride bicycles, children's cars, and velomobiles. We will swim in the Black Lake, which differs from others in its unique emerald color and is so clear that it can be seen up to 9 meters deep; at your request, we will visit the Serpent Lake and much more. The novelty of the 2014 season is an adventure park and a bungee ride right above the Black Lake, equally popular with children and adults!

Детская полоса препятствий в парке приключений Дурмитор
Children's obstacle course in Durmitor Adventure Park
Получите заряд адреналина и хорошего настроения, пролетев над Черным озером на тарзанке!
Get an adrenaline rush and good mood flying over the Black Lake on a bungee!

We will drive through the territory of the Durmitor National Park, constantly stopping and admiring the breathtaking views of the mountains, lakes and valleys of Durmitor.

Дурмитор и озеро Валовито, остановка у чистого родника, чтобы набрать воды
Durmitor and Lake Valovito, stop at a clean spring to get water
Дурмитор - настоящий рай для фотолюбителей
Durmitor is a real paradise for amateur photographers
Дурмитор - настоящий рай для фотолюбителей
Durmitor is a real paradise for amateur photographers
Дурмитор - это центр разведения рогатого скота в Черногории - и это неудивительно, ведь чистейшие долины как нельзя лучше подходят для выпаса барашков и коров
Durmitor is the center of cattle breeding in Montenegro - and this is not surprising, because the cleanest valleys are the best suited for grazing lambs and cows
Овечки в Дурмиторе - здесь такие встречи вовсе не редки!
Sheep in Durmitor - here such meetings are not at all rare!
А бывает и такое!
And it happens!
Любители всего экологически и натуриального смогут сами набрать поелзные травы, например чабрец или зверобой!
Fans of everything environmentally friendly and natural will be able to pick up useful herbs themselves, such as thyme or St. John's wort!

7. We will see the famous Piva Lake and the Piva Monastery.

Красивейшее бирюзовое Пивское озеро словно высечено в скале
The most beautiful turquoise Piva Lake is as if carved into the rock
Экскурсия на север Черногории (Пивский монастырь)
The Piva Monastery has a difficult history - for the construction of a reservoir, the monastery was completely moved to a new location!

SPECIAL OFFER! Fans of mountains and dynamic recreation are offered to perform hiking to the top of Durmitor - Mount Bobotov Kuk to an altitude of 2500 meters above sea level to complete the collection of impressions from Montenegro with the most vivid and breathtaking views, as well as the realization that "WE DID IT!"

ATTENTION: the journey takes several hours. If you will be with children, take everything you need with you in advance so that they can comfortably endure the trip. There will be many serpentine roads on the way, if you get very sick on such roads, we advise you to prepare in advance for the excursion or take it one of the last ones when you get used to the Montenegrin serpentine.

The tour is conducted on comfortable class cars. sedan (depending on the number of people). Excursion cost - from 490 euro/car (by sedan car; number of people - 3-4). The price includes: car delivery, soft drinks, services of an individual guide and translator.
Additional charge: overnight (1 night), entrance tickets to the national park (3 euros), rafting + lunch (45 euros per person; optional), tickets to the adventure park.

Our excursions are unique and are always carried out "with soul", taking into account the individual characteristics of our guests - that's why "Welcome to Crnogor!" (Russian "Welcome to Montenegro!")

This year we have a special offer: when ordering an excursion, you get a 50% discount on a photo session - total 50 euros! Throughout the tour you will be photographed by a professional photographer; later, the photos can be written to you on a disk/memory card or printed.

We are waiting for your visit!