I was lucky enough to spend the last 2 years on the shore of the Bay of Kotor in a village called Muo for short - vacationers know that there are no completely sandy beaches on the shore of the Bay of Kotor, and permanent residents know that this side of the Bay of Kotor is located more than others in shadows now from Lovcen, now from Vrmac, at the foot of which she united her neat houses. However, the coast of the Bay of Kotor is ideal for lovers of walks - kilometers of the embankment connect the villages of Muo, Prcanj, Stoliv and so on, which I did not miss to use, and today my story is dedicated to my neighbor - the town of Prcanj.

Монастырь Св. Николая на Прчани
Monastery of St. Nicholas on Prcanj
Прчань Черногория
Merchant ships have been replaced by luxury yachts
Церковь Св. Кармен на знаменитой набережной Луковичей в Прчани
Church of St. Carmen on the famous Lukovichi embankment in Prcanj

How often, walking along the embankment, I peered through the windows and at the facades of high palazzos, many of which have commemorative plaques like “Ivo Vizir lived here” or “This icon was received as a gift from Don Lukovich”, or “Peter rested in this house Petrovich II Negosh. And recently, a book came into my hands, written by a priest and a descendant of the famous Prcanj Lukovic dynasty at the beginning of the 20th century, about the history of this unique place. So, the next time you walk around Prcanj, remember the following facts:

1. Rise of Prcanj fell on the XVII-XVIII centuries, when this area of the Bay of Kotor was part of the famous Venetian Republic - hence the similarity with the architecture of Northern Italy! Then, by modern standards, small Prcanj had about 100 different courts, and this is only 1300 inhabitants! Prcanj was engaged in trade with Venice, Dalmatia, Turkey, Algeria - olive oil and dried figs, cheese and prosciutto from Montenegro (the famous Negush prosciutto!) and many others. The Prcanj galleys were much faster than the Turkish ones, who at that time owned Bar and Ulcinj and often made pirate raids in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Mamula fortress known to tourists. For their special reliability and high-speed qualities, the Prcanj sailors were awarded a responsible honor - they were Venetian postal workers and delivered state mail across the expanses of the Adriatic! Lukovic Street reminds us of the former grandeur of this place - many of you may be familiar with it! This particularly rich promenade still consists of 10 palazzos that once belonged to the Luković dynasty of maritime merchants.

Прчань Черногория
All houses have a patio that is not visible behind the powerful walls - such gates can open you a passage to a completely new and hidden world from prying eyes.
Традиционный фасад Прчаньской виллы
Traditional facade of the Prcanj Villa

2. And on the other side of Prcanj you can’t hide from admiring glances Cathedral of the Virgin. The construction of the Cathedral was started during the prosperity of Prcanj in the era of the Venetian rule, but soon after the construction began, the power changed - the Venetian Republic collapsed under pressure from Napoleon, and its lands came under the patronage of Austria-Hungary, whose arrival in these parts marked a new stage, not the most prosperous for this place. At the same time, the steam engine gradually replaced the sailing ships, which the Prcan captains managed so skillfully, and Prcanj gradually began to fade into the shadows.

Монументальный Собор Богородицы в Прани является самым большим католическим храмом в Черногории
The monumental Cathedral of the Virgin in Prani is the largest Catholic church in Montenegro

3. At the same time, the 19th century did not go unnoticed - the famous navigator Ivo Vizin lived and worked in Prchani - and his house has survived to this day - which the first of the southern Slavs to travel around the world on your sailboat.
4. In the meantime, the ambitious construction of the huge Cathedral of the Virgin was delayed - less and less money came from maritime trade, and saved Austria-Hungary, thanks to whose donations, at the beginning of the 20th century, the monumental building was finally completed.
5. The Great Cathedral of the Mother of God replaced the earlier Upper Church of the Mother of God (14th century), the ruins of which are still preserved a little higher on the mountain. Dear Altar and valuables were transferred to a new monumental cathedral right on the shore, and Upper Church of the Virgin began to decline. Meanwhile, it was at this church that the city cemetery was located until the middle of the 19th century, and it was here that Ivo Vizin and many representatives of the Lukovic dynasty were buried. Fans of mountain hikes have the opportunity to see with their own eyes the dull sight of the once glorious church, recently plundered, including by vandals.

Такая тропа ведет к заброшенной Церкви Пресвятой Богородицы над Прчанью
Such a path leads to the abandoned Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary above Prcanj
Так сейчас выглядит входная дверь в церковь
This is what the front door to the church looks like now
Когда-колокльня была украшена четырьмя колоколами, самое тяжелое из которых весило 620 кг
The belfry was once decorated with four bells, the heaviest of which weighed 620 kg.
Гробница знаменитой династии Джурович
Tomb of the famous Djurovic dynasty
Расхитители гробниц побывали и здесь
Tomb Raiders Have Been Here
Гробницы богатых и знаменитых Прчань
Tombs of the rich and famous Prcanj
This view opens from the courtyard of the Upper Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Prcanj

On this slightly sad note, I hasten to take my leave, I hope that now the silent stones of the Prcanj houses will reveal their stories to you a little too 🙂 Until we meet again in the open spaces of sunny Montenegro 🙂